Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Recipe - Tinker Toy Salad

Here's one of the healthy food recipes I've incorporated into my diet recently. The layout and approximate nutritional breakdown are from my "My Fitness Pal" page and the original recipe was from my fabulous friend Kim. I keep a bin of this in the fridge and add it to dinner or eat it for lunch. The ingredients change with availability and right now there's no blueberries in the bin but there are a few handfuls of cranberries. There's also no watercress and the cabbage is both plentiful and green. I'm not too hung up on exact calorie count, the goal is just to eat real food in reasonable amounts and avoid bullshit, which this does nicely. 

Now, why tinker toy salad, you may ask. First time I made this my husband (who believes all food is brown) looked across the table at me and asked what I was eating. Smart ass that I am, I asked what it looked like and he truthfully said it looked like children's toys. Hence the name. 
Cabbage - Red, raw, 1 head, small (4" dia)17642182512Ico_delete
Chinese Veg - Kale, 1.5 Cup541114114Ico_delete
Co-Op - Watercress, 225 g4512703Ico_delete
365 Organic - Pumpkin Seeds, 1/2 cup360102818306Ico_delete
Carrot - 7" Long Carrot, 3 carrot90210366Ico_delete
Acme - Red Wine Vinegar, 6 tbsp000000Ico_delete
Bellino - Extra Virgin Olive Oil-First Cold Pressed, 4 TBSP480056000Ico_delete
365 Organic - Lemon Juice 100%, 6 tsp000000Ico_delete
Aldi's Fit % Active - Dried Blueberries, 0.5 cup4680000Ico_delete
Add Ingredient      

Per Serving:1561211594

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